Monday, November 27, 2017


What part of dumber, enthusiastically ignorant, bullying, dishonest, lazy, afraid AND violent (therefore gun crazy), murderously racist, misogynistic, nationalist yet ANTI-AMERICAN-DEMOCRACY, Anti-Law-and-Order and endlessly, desperately needing to blame all "others" strikes ANYONE.. ANYWHERE.. IN ANY WAY as “supremacy”???? AND THESE WHITE INFERIORS ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS inasmuch as they aren't Native Americans. Mustn't they ALL HATE THEMSELVES and need to get out of this country which THEY AND THEY ALONE INSIST HAS TO HATE IMMIGRANTS?

Saturday, July 1, 2017


ANTI-LIFE: 1) Republican Healthcare will deprive over 30 million people of Healthcare which will: Cause the deaths of thousands of Americans each year and deprive ½ of the births in America of all medical help; 2) Republicans are anti-welfare!! They want the children born but won't help keep them alive; 3) Republicans want any kind of gun available to ANYONE – however criminal or mentally unstable, with no registration or evaluation; and 4) Republicans are adamantly PRO-WAR. But as with being pro-birth but not pro-life, they do not want to take care of our veterans!  And ABOVE ALL they are ready, willing, and spending a fortune on destroying the Planet Earth.

ANTI-GOD: 1) Lying is one of the Republican fundamentals although we are not allowed by God to “bear false witness”(9th Commandment); 2) Republicans abuse aliens even though we were ordered in the Bible to: treat the alien as one of our own because we were aliens in the land of Egypt (Leviticus: 19:34) AND EVERY PERSON IN AMERICA'S ANCESTORS EXCEPT NATIVE AMERICANS CAME AS AN IMMIGRANT 3) Do no murder – but the fight against the control of gun sales, and the willingness to sell military weapons to foreign countries, to civilians even insane ones, and the stealing of healthcare and Medicaid are tantamount to murder. 4) From its beginning to its end the Bible demands that those who “have” must take care of those who have not. This is the thing that the Republicans TRY HARDEST NOT TO DO - (ANTI-WELFARE/SOCIAL SECURITY; PRO HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH...); 5) Republicans consistently deny the reality of Climate Change and support all Earth-damaging works which is tantamount to the destruction of God’s creation. 6) Love of money – the other Republican fundamental – is specifically named as "THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL" in the Bible.

ANTI-AMERICA: 1) Republicans are PRO-TORTURE even though THE HEAD of Army Intelligence has warned us that torture NEVER PRODUCES RELIABLE INFORMATION ...AND is dangerous for our troops and for our country; 2) Republicans are hiding in every way they can Russia’s interference in our last election because they benefitted from it and because they will have to remove the Republican President when it is exposed, and because they assume the Russians will now help Republicans to be elected. So rather than investigating the extent of the Russian interference and making an effort to prevent it in the future, they are instead trying to eliminate anything/agency which has the ability to expose the extent of the Russian 2016/7interference. 3) They try in every way possible to deny the right to vote to anyone who is likely to vote against them. They will not defend American Democracy. 4) Republicans are risking everything good about America by supporting an INSANE, very dangerous President (TRUMP) so that they can stack the courts with right wing judges and play to Trump's dumbed-down base for re-election. HAVE THEY LOST THEIR SOULS??????It is terrifyingly as if most Republicans have sold their souls. I will pray that God can forgive them even though I am profoundly troubled by how I feel about them.